Bookstore manager Tenma hasn’t shown up for work or called in today. His employee, Asuka, worried about him, goes to his house and discovers… he’s been petrified by his medusa wife! But surely they can return him to normal?
Tenma left a letter saying that if anything happens to him, Asuka should take care of his wife. But Asuka is a guy who can only get excited by other mens’ wives. Also, and most importantly for the plot – hot medusa wife.
- 2018
- 2019
- 2021
- Action
- Adaptation
- Adult
- Adult Comedy Drama Mature Romance Seinen Slice of Life Smut
- Adventure
- Anime
- BL
- Bo He Ying Xiang
- Boy's Love
- Campus
- Cartoon
- Chinese
- Comedy
- Comic
- Completed
- Cooking
- Crime
- Crossdressin
- Dance
- Demons
- Detective
- Doujinshi
- Drama
- Ecchi
- Fantasy
- Full Color
- Game
- Ghosts
- Girls's Love
- Gyaru
- Harem
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- kids
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- Mature
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- Medical
- Military
- Moder
- Monster Girls
- Monsters
- Music
- Mystery
- Office Workers
- One shot
- Philosophical
- Ping Ping Jun
- Police
- Raw
- Reincarnation
- Revenge
- Reverse
- Reverse harem
- Romance
- Royal family
- School Life
- Sci-fi
- Secret Relationship
- Seinen
- Shoujo
- Shoujo Ai
- Shounen
- Shounen Ai
- Slice of Life
- Smut
- Soft Yaoi
- Soft Yuri
- Sports
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- Supernatural
- Survival
- Thriller
- Time Travel
- Tragedy
- Vampire
- Video Games
- Villainess
- Violence
- Web comic
- Webtoon
- Webtoons
- Yaoi
- Yuri
- 国王陛下